Friday, 25 January 2013

Back on the blog :)

Hey everyone! How is life? I'm back on a blog now! Can't remember the last time I wrote a post here.
I'm writing this post just to let you know that I'm back and I am going to do some changes here, I hope you will like it! I changed myself a bit from the last time I posted something on this blog. Today like 5 minutes ago, I wanted to feel like people from Pakistan or somewhere that are putting the things on their head. I have a bit scarf and I made something similar from it! I took a picture of me but I cannot add it to this post, I don't know why it doesn't work. But I will add it tomorrow maybe! Hope you will like it.
And I have got some bad news... My brush went down the toilet! x( Now I need to use stupid ones, noooo! My dad is going to get it out LOL. I am going to buy a new favourite one and I will look after it, it is NOT going to go down the toilet again.
Hope you are having a nice weekend, see you tomorrow!

Saturday, 12 January 2013

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