Hey guys,
guess what I found on the internet!
Believe or not, the picture below IS made of StarDesign Hair. Really! When I saw it first time I just couldn't believe how can somebody make something beautiful like this! I don't know who made this, but I know one girl from Russia called Kusja - she's making some similar StarDesign things. I like it so much, it looks so creative! And it needs a lot of work, also lot of time! What do you think about this? I think it's BEAUTIFUL.

I'm not really sure, but the owner of this could be Kusja. You should visit her suite, she makes some beautiful things in StarDesign hair, jewellery, fashion and other StarDesign things...
And she's so friendly! OMG, I can't believe I was friend with someone popular just like Kusja. More than 60% people on Stardoll know her and they're from different country. She's from Russia like I said - and she should be proud of it, because Russia is the best! :D
And yeah, I changed my signature.
Have a nice day!
Kate ^^
yeah is nice but it waste time and money